I would like to offer thanks, this Thanksgiving, to the “Gray Lady”, the venerable 150 year old New York Times, for all the wonderful information she keeps at my fingertips. Bless her for that. Thanks to her archives, I can learn about Thanksgiving history, I can find out, for instance, that in 1895, turkeys were going high at 16-20¢ a pound, apples $2.50 a barrel, cranberries were $10-$10.50 a barrel and celery was a princely 30¢ a bunch. I can learn what was popular on this holiday in NY 100 years ago, thanks to the menu they published:
I can learn that yesterday may not be so different from today with holiday cooks following the suggestions of celebrity chefs. The Thanksgiving menu of a famous chef was published on that November 1895 day:
Or, thanks to the wonders of technology and a marvelous NYT's music feature, I can hear recordings, that were made 100 years ago and discovered in a vault in the Paris Opera in a time capsule that was opened this year and that are perfect listening for a retro holiday celebration...
Because the 1890’s are hot again, as we see in another article about fashion this month in the NYT, and complete with ravishing tintypes from the brilliant David Sokosh
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